by Joanne Zerdy After my son Finlay died unexpectedly during childbirth in 2014, I began scouring the “Grief and Bereavement” shelf in every bookstore I visited. Shortly before the first anniversary of Finlay’s death/birth, I found myself in Boston. In a bookshop there, I found a slender volume from Penguin Books: Plutarch’s…(Read More)
by Amy Wright Glenn So, I did it. It’s all set. The space is clean ~ Ok, honestly, the dishes aren’t done but hey, the rest of the apartment looks great! ~ My 8-year-old son Taber has entered the land of Narnia. He loves listening to our Audible collection featuring professional actors reading…(Read More)
Listen here. “Holding Space does just that for each of us. In a clear, intimate voice, Amy Wright Glenn shares her own experience and wisdom and by doing so makes a space for her reader to develop the same. For anyone going through loss, this book will feel like a treasure.” —Sharon Salzberg, Lovingkindness and…(Read More)