Advanced Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss ~ TFMR


Join Amy Wright Glenn, Institute founder and director, for a 6-hour Advanced Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss Training focusing on Termination For Medical Reasons (TFMR) and Compassionate Induction.

This training is open to all bereaved parents, doulas, midwives, and mental health professionals.

*Photo credit: Eternal Keepsake 



“When you arrived silently into our world,
I learned that pure love and deep, gut wrenching pain
were able to collide and live side-by-side for eternity.”
~ Sara Millin, founder of My Poppy Rose


The end of a wanted pregnancy due to severe medical complications on the part of the developing baby is a profoundly heart wrenching and life altering experience.

How best to support bereaved parents as they face the decision, and choose, termination for medical reasons (TFMR)? How can care providers companion, offer support, and draw upon the healing power of ritual in the face of compassionate induction? Whether chosen due to serious maternal health complications or devastating prenatal diagnosis, this training offers compassionate understanding as we hold space for deep suffering and sorrow.

Building upon the foundations taught in the Institute’s Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss training, this advanced course focuses solely on TFMR. This training is open to all bereaved parents, doulas, midwives, and mental health professionals.

**Please note, there is no pre-requisite to take this Advanced Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss Training. However, all interested are warmly welcome to register for a 5-hour (presented live online) Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss Training or the self-paced 15-hour Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss Training.

August 10, 24, and September 7
12-2pm EST

Modules will be recorded for all participants. One need not join live to complete the training.


Participants meet for 6 hours of training with Amy Wright Glenn and benefit from an hour long interview with Tanya Wilkinson, a UK-based mother, author, Life & Leadership Coach, and Death Doula who experienced TFMR.

Participants will read selections of the 46 stories presented in the anthology edited by Christie Brooks entitled Our Heartbreaking Choices: Forty-Six Women Share Their Stories of Interrupting a Much-Wanted Pregnancy.








“When our daughter was diagnosed with trisomy 13, I was 15 weeks along in my pregnancy.
We chose to spare her pain and suffering, by inducing the pregnancy early (at 19.5 weeks).
We held our daughter, April Rey, and she knew nothing but love for her unbearably short life.”
~ Katrina Villegas, founder of Terminations Remembered

Tanya Wilkinson (she/her) is a Life & Leadership Coach and Death Doula. She is passionate about reconnecting us to our truest essence as interconnected humans through 3 pillars: Self (body, mind and soul), Community and Nature. Tanya’s coaching method is founded on the sacred cycles, rhythms and covenants of nature. Helping you to create your impact through a two way energy exchange with this world that gives and receives.

Within her work, she brings a death positive lens to her coaching. Using nature’s seasons and storytelling to connect her clients into the different ways that they experience dying and death in life. Be it the death of a loved one, relationships ending, job loss, new career paths, letting go of aspects of themselves.

She was inspired on her path as a Death Doula after caring for her grandfather when he was dying. Then in 2023 she experienced TFMR (termination for medical reasons) 5 months into pregnancy. Called into presence after her baby’s diagnosis through the deepest love for her baby girl Ngākau Raiona. With a commitment to be there for her no matter what. Tanya is navigating her forwards path through continued presence and connection as she sits with and explores her grief. She wants to support other bereaved parents going through pregnancy loss with an upcoming book, podcast and offerings on the way.