Ritual for Pet Loss

Join Amy Wright Glenn for an hour of ritual honoring our beloved animal companions and the grief of pet loss.

All are welcome.

Minimum price: $20.00


The love felt for our beloved animal companions is deeply woven into the human heart.

Our beloved animal companions guide, encourage, protect, and strengthen us.

They bring joy, insight, love, and patience.
They provide companionship on the toughest of days.
They strengthen our resolve to create a just and compassionate world ~
one that is safe for all beings, everywhere.

We grieve (very much) when our animal companions die.

Join Amy Wright Glenn for an hour of rituals

~ poems, candle lighting, a water/stone ceremony, and song ~
to honor the animal companions in our lives who have died

Thursday, February 6
8pm EST

(via Zoom & recorded for all participants)

We honor the grief of pet loss.














“What we have once enjoyed we can never lose;
all that we have loved deeply, becomes a part of us.”

~ Helen Keller


Animals are a window to your soul and a doorway to your spiritual destiny.
If you let them into your life and allow them to teach you, you will be better for it.
~Kim Shotola